Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Wordle Roundup

Hello, happy last day of the year to you all.  I always like to take today to look back over the year and reflect on everything that happened both big and small.  I also like to look back over my blog and see which books I rambled on about.  This year I have chosen my favorite one from each of the last twelve months and put it into wordle form, just for something a bit different.  Let me know what you think :-)

A Wizard of Earthsea
I loved this book because it hit all my happy spots and started me on a new series, which has not happened in a very long time.

Saga Vol 1
A family of fairies and badasses, showing that Mamma's are always gonna win...even when nursing.  We need more stories like this that combine family life and...well...having a life

A Different Girl
I liked this book because it made me look at normal, every day things from a completely different perspective.  It was different, just like it's title.

Midnight-Bluelight Special
The second book in the InCryptid series cemented my love for Verity and her entire family.  I love it when the second book lives up to the first

Isaac Asimov's Faeries
An old school collection of old school style fairy tales.  I loved the variety and the feel of the stories in this lovely collection

In the Serpent's Shadow
A book that successfully combines healing, magic, animals, fairy tales, and women's rights is a rare one and should be treasured...even more so when it's a series!

Ancillary Justice
I love a book that makes you think, and this book made me think about a huge number of things.  The plot was a bit convoluted, but it stayed in my brain for a long time after reading it.

The Bards of Bone Plain
This book was sheer and utter magic.  It was like reading a song, or a piece of art, or a wonderful piece of was lovely.

Clockwork Fairy Tales
Fairy tales, steampunk, creativity, traditionalism, actual world building so much cool stuff, crammed into these amazing short stories, definitely worth the read.

The Girl Who Soared Over Fairyland and Cut the Moon in Two
While not as amazingly awesome as the first two, this third book in the series holds it's own and still kindles that feeling of being in a place full of magic and wonder.

The Paper Magician
I love a story that creates magic out of the ordinary.  This book does it twice, once with paper and once with an actual beating heart.

The Thirteen Days of Christmas
This was a doubly cool read as I had been searching for it so long, it's mere presence was like a present.  When it was as fun as I remembered I knew it had to make the list.

Well there it is folks, my list of monthly favorites.  I hope you have enjoyed this year as much as I have, and look forward to a new year with excitement.  Tomorrow I will drag my slightly hung over self out of bed and try and get up my book resolutions.  Until then, tell me what awesome new (or old) books you have read this year.  Happy Reading Everybody!

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