Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Give a Book

In the spirit of Christmas I thought I would share one of my favorite traditions me and the Hubbin do every year.  It is quit simple really, we always try and donate books around this season.  Not my own mind you, my books are my children and I could never give them up!  So we buy new ones to donate.  I try and make sure they are either one of my favorites or something very current.  We like to donate to kids, hospitals, and nursing homes, because especially when winter hits and people are stuck inside there is nothing like a good book to lift your spirits.
We usually like to go to our local Barnes and Noble who lets each store choose there own local recipients.  They usually have a huge selection of books and they wrap and give whatever one you choose.  This year we gave The Hunger Games Trilogy to a family with a bunch of teenagers.
There are tons of places to donate books, everywhere from your local Salvation Army, to your local library. They are a great gift to leave on a doorstep anonymously, or quietly hand a box full over to the front desk of a hospital or recovery center.  Remember books are not that expensive and there is one out there for everybody and it may just make that little bit of difference.  So everybody lets donate a book and make somebodies life a little more magical.

What is your giving tradition?  What books have special meaning to you, that you would like to pass along? 

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