Friday, November 11, 2011

Thank You Veterans!

Happy Veterans Day!!!!!

It has been my experience that the military always brings about controversy in many forms, from who can serve to should we even be in our current war/situation.  I think it is good that we live in a country that we can question these things it keeps us honest and makes us think about choices that we make as a country.  All this aside I think that any man or woman who voluntarily leave behind their family, friends and loved ones to at best be put through physical and mental hardships, intense training and not ideal conditions, to at worst be horribly injured or killed, all to keep my and mine safe should always be recognized as a hero.  The people they leave behind should also receive a heroic thanks as they are the ones who have to have to hold down the fort and sometimes pick up the pieces.  So to all of those out there who have contributed in the many ways to keeping this country and its people safe and free a huge thank you!
Here are some good books about Veterans Day, and some stories from real Veterans themselves.
Granddad Bud: A Veterans Day Story
The Wall
Veterans of War, Veterans of Peace
Familypedia - Military of the Us: 

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