Hello Everybody! In case you haven't noticed I decided to do a redesign of the blog last night. Yep totally random, hey even though I have a thousand and one things to do at this exact moment I am going to do a total and completely unnecessary redesign of my own personal blog right NOW sort of thing. I do that more often then my poor Hubbin probably likes, but what can I say, impulse control issues. Impromptu upending of my life in big and small ways is not abnormal for me. Once I was having a bad year, yep not a bad day, week or month, a whole entire year of crappyness. Anyways I had to move back in with my parents and as wonderful as they are it was not something I wanted to do. I moved into half of a partially finished basement to help take care of my brother who was all broken to pieces (that's a fun story) and it was just miserable.
So being the completely random person that I apparently am I went and bought purple paint, not just any purple paint, but a deep, rich, dark, awesome purple paint. Luckily for me my Mamma is an incredibly amazing person and instead of freaking that her 20 something daughter was going to randomly paint her basement purple, got out a brush and helped :-) (she may have just been feeling guilty for passing on the "redecorate when life sucks gene" 'cause I totally got it from her). Oddly enough transforming that basement corner from a room of gloom to a piece of rich purple heaven actually helped me a lot, it gave me a sense of control, and a space that was completely my own in all the chaos. Having a space to curl up and read in the few minutes I had between jobs and school was my 15 minutes of therapy a day, and having that space be so utterly mine was the trick I needed to safely escape for a while. Anyways, I use my need to change stuff around me as a way to control life when it gets crazy, or to make a token change when I feel things are getting to stagnant, or just 'cause I feel like it. I hope you all enjoy the redesign and feel free to leave me any suggestions or stories on random chaos you have caused just for kicks and giggles.
I just feel sorry for the people who had to paint after we left...like ten coats