Friday, August 9, 2013


Sorry for the lack of posting yesterday, I spent most of it trying not to move the upper half of my body.  I somehow managed to tweak one of long muscles in my neck/shoulder and every move was excruciating yesterday, good news is I feel much better now.  As a treat my Hubbin found me the most amazing game using his new Leap Motion gizmo on his computer called Gorogoa. Now why you may ask am I talking about computer games on a book blog?  Well the answer is very simple...'cause I want to and it's my blog :-)  Oh and also this game plays just like a book.
It is one of the most beautiful things I have seen in a while.  The way you have to think about the game, and it's space made me feel like I was traveling through a book. Essentially your little character sees some weird and wonderful creature invade his home town and goes on this weird yet wonderful journey (involving books of course) to get all the pieces to a potion.  The game takes a while to figure out, but once you do it is pretty mind blowing.  If this was a picture book I would totally get it for my nephews, very awesome.

Have you ever played a game and thought, wow this would make a great book?  What about movies?  Am I just a tad to obsessed with turning everything into a book?

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