Thursday, January 17, 2013

Go Books Go

I have a soft spot for libraries in case anybody hasn't noticed.  There are several reasons aside from the obvious one of being a book lover.  Books are amazing, but not everybody has constant access to them and this is sad.  Sometimes people don't have money, or they live in a remote area, or have limited transportation.  Regardless of the reason, it is sad that such a diverse, simple, easy escape is denied to anyone for any reason.  Enter the mobile library or bookmobiles as they are more commonly referred to.  These wonderful vehicles and the people who staff them make it possible for just about anybody to have access to books.
Baltimore County Bookmobile
These bookmobiles go to places such as hospitals, nursing homes and to shut ins to ensure that even home bound people get a variety of books
Columbia Burro Books
Other countries have their own versions as well, using other vehicles and sometimes animals to adapt to the various terrain and needs of that particular region
Camel Book Library
How amazing is it that no matter where you are in the world there are people dedicated to make sure that everyone has a book to read!
Manly Wharf Bookmobile
So next time you get a chance, go check out these wonderful moving places of magic and do your part to keep them up and functioning.

Have you ever gotten a book from a bookmobile?  Do you wish you could turn your personal vehicle into a library?  Is it easier for people to access books now that so many are on an electronic format?

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