Monday, August 15, 2016

Everything Is Bigger In Texas

I'm back and mostly all in one piece! WOOHOO!  The trip was awesome, I got to go to several places I've never been before.  I got to meet the rest of my Hubbin's family and see where he came from (I never realized just how Mexican the family a good way...if that makes any sense).  I got to hear family stories going back to the 1700's involving kidnappings, elopement's and Pancho Villa.  Later we traveled to San Antonio and got even more history and fun.  Over all it was pretty awesome mostly 'cause I got to spend so much time with people I like and love so much.
On a literary note I finished four, yep that's right count 'em FOUR full length books, which is essentially a vacation dream come true for me.  In fact I read so much that we had to find this great little bookstore and buy me some more books.  Including a book full of Texas ghost stories.  I also got to snuggle and read with a whole bunch of my nephews so pretty much the whole trip was awesome!  Stay tuned for some epic rambling.  Happy Reading Everybody!

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