Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year New Start

Happy New Year!!!!!  I hope everybody made it to midnight...even if was somebody else's time zone.  Now on to our favorite part of the year, our reading resolutions.
This year I have decided to not feel guilty about rereading books.  Every time I pick up one of beloved babies...ahem, I mean previously read books, I feel my TBR pile staring back at me, or I read a stellar review about a brand new book, or I go to the bookstore and see all of the pretty new unread books just begging to come home with me.  Then I think, why am I rereading this book when there are so many unread books out there, so much potential awesomeness, so many words!  I feel my own mortality creeping up on me, so many books that I will never be able to read, must read as many as I can before I shuffle off this
mortal coil (and I'm not even THAT old yet!).  So all of these things are screaming through my brain and all I want to do is curl up with a book that I know I love, or that will fulfill a particular craving I may be having that day.  In that spirit I am going to give myself permission to reread whatever I darn well please, whenever I darn well please.  If I want to reread five books straight, then I will, If I want to spend a weekend rereading a series, I shall.  There is usually a reason I want to reread a book and denying myself that, or stressing over it is dumb. After all isn't it the whole point of reading a new book is to see if it is going to become a favorite, and what is the point of favorites if you don't reread them.  There is no possible way for me to ever read every book I ever want to (unless God is kind enough to give me an eternal library in Heaven) so I may as well enjoy as many books, as many times as I can.
What is your reading resolution?  What is your take on rereading books?  Do I spend way to much effort in my reading selection?

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