Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Happy Leap Day

I always thought that February 29th should be a national holiday, were everybody gets the day of and goes to leaping parties, the mascot/icon/patron saint could be a frog called Leopold and he could pass out Chocolate Frogs to all the good little Muggles...whoa sorry mixing up holidays and books again :-)  Still any event that only happens once every four years should be celebrated with great fanfare, but since hardly anybody listens to me I'll just give some good leap day books to read.
The Chocolate Frog Frame-Up
It's My Birthday...Finally!
Leap Year at the Coffee Shop
Leap Year
Leap Years
Hopefully these books will get you through this extra day that only comes every four years and yet is treated the same as any other, it's a travesty I tell you!  Happy birthday, anniversary, and whatever else you may celebrate on this rather elusive day.

What do you do to celebrate Leap Day?  Anybody have any ideas on what Leopold the Leap Day frog looks like?  Do you love having a whole extra day to read!!!!!

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